Knitter’s Jig                     Ceilidh Band

Do Participants Need to Wear Anything Special?

As long as you wear 'sensible' shoes (no high heels) just about anything goes. Remember however, that you will be dancing, so loose casual clothing might be more comfortable - particularly when you start to warm up.

What Type of Music is Played?

The majority of the music we play is based on English, Scottish and Irish folk tunes, with a bit of American and French thrown in for good measure - whatever fits with the dances.  We do not play rap, garage, grunge and we definitely do not know any Elvis??

Will a Ceilidh Work Well with a Disco?

This is where there can be difficulties.  Having a Ceilidh and a Disco in one evening sounds like a good idea as it should cater for all tastes. However, if the evening is to work well, it is very important that the Ceilidh takes place during the first half of the evening, and the Disco takes over after the Ceilidh has finished.  Ceilidhs do not work well following, or sandwiched between, a disco.  Remember also that you will need separate areas for the disco and the band so that both can get set up and packed away without disturbing the other.  An alternative to a full disco is to hire the bands PA system and disco lights for after the ceilidh.  You can then play whatever music you wish from you own Ipod/mp3 player or CDs etc to finish off the evening.

How Long Will the Ceilidh Last?

Most of the ceilidhs we do last between 2 and 3 hours with a short break midway but we are always happy to fit the evening around your particular requirements.

How Much Does the Band Charge?

We have no standard charge. The cost will depend on event, location, venue and number of people attending. Other factors will be the day and time of the week, the time of year, and the travelling time and costs. Please contact us for a firm quote.

Can We Make a Provisional Booking?

Yes, of course.  If you are happy with the band and the quote but would prefer a little more time before committing yourself, we can make a provisional booking for you until you've made up your mind - but please confirm as soon as possible.  Meanwhile, if the band is offered another booking for the same day, you will usually be given first option but we would of course want an immediate decision.



Knitter’s Jig Ceilidh Band 2015